Title: The Surge in Mole Activity in Irrigated Areas During Summer Months
As the scorching heat of summer descends upon us, so does an increase in Mole activity in irrigated areas. These animals wreak havoc on manicured lawns and carefully tended gardens and landscapes. We will detail the reasons behind the rise in activity during the summer months in these particular areas.
Irrigation and Summer:
Moles thrive in moist and fertile soils across the landscape. Irrigated areas provide ideal habitat for these burrowers, as the water-rich environment promotes the growth of earthworms, grubs and insects- their primary sources of food. During summer, when the temperatures rise, these animals are driven closer to the surface to forage food, leading to an upswing in mole activity.
Increased Food Availability:
Irrigation not only moistens the soil but also attracts earthworms and insects closer to the surface. Moles prefer moist conditions and are more abundant in irrigated regions. Moles create a network of tunnels closer to the surface in search of food. This results in damage to lawns, watered landscapes and other areas.
Mitigating Mole Activity:
Homeowners and gardeners experiencing mole damage need to adopt a mole control strategy. Mole barriers with wire mesh can provide protection to these areas and offer a low-cost approach.
A mole control strategy is the single most effective strategy for control. Trapping offers the most humane and productive approach to controlling these animals.
Norcal Trapping offers mole and gopher control to Chico, Paradise and Durham weekly. We offer wide range of trapping strategies and options for our customers.
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